April 2019.​

​Challenge 58@8.

When I came up with the Idea of 'Challenge 58@8' Everyone said: "not another one"! 
I had absolutely no idea how it would go or how much it would raise, all I knew was, as this disease gets worse I need to push harder! 
I had in the back of my mind that If I didn't raise £1,000 I would be disappointed but, I try not to put pressure on my helpers and collectors. We have collected pretty much all of the money that was pledged and we are not chasing the people who still owe.
I thanked all of the helpers, collectors, in fact, everyone involved in pushing us over the £30k on Facebook last week. 
I now have another massive 'thank you' to put out there. 'Challenge 58@8' has actually raised £2,566. 
Well done everyone.....And thank you all. 

Apex Traxs Joins MS4MS raising money for the MS Society.

Dec 2019

Christmas continues for Motor Sport for MS!

Those nice people at the Milton Keynes Amateur Operatic Society, the team behind this year's panto, Sleeping Beauty have just donated us £350.
Our massive thanks go to my old mate Kev Amies, John Dowell, all of the Dreams 'n' Wishes team, on stage, backstage, and front of house plus all of the lovely patrons who attended this year's 'Sleeping Beauty' Pantomime.

Don't forget MKAOS will be putting on their version of 'Shrek the Musical' from the 3rd to the 6th of June, tickets are available on the MKAOS website, as are next year's panto tickets although it is a secret as to what production they will be putting on.
Oh no it's not, oh yes it is.



July the 2nd marked the final event before we pension off the buggy.

Newport Pagnell Carnival saw the 'Live' section of MS4MS draw to a close.

And what a way to bring the curtain down on this 'Bloody Silly Idea'. Massive thanks must go to the Ukie TooNes, the Ukelele band who, stepped up to the plate brilliantly to produce a fantastic float, and then sang and danced their hearts out all afternoon to entertain the crowds whilst they were driven by our volunteer driver Andy, through Newport Pagnell High Street. Many thanks must go to Andy Woolrich, our driver for the day, and also Dave Robertson, the owner of ASAP Transport Solutions who lent us the lorry.

The collecting team were phenomenal, and I never expected there to be so much money thrown into our buckets. The poor guys were really struggling to carry the buckets towards the end and I'm not really surprised as the weight of the 8 buckets totaled just under 50 Kilos. To give them a shout-out here, the team consisted of Karen Wilson, Syb Bergman, Simon Brodie, Simon Page, Scott Partridge, Amy Louise, Levison and Lottie, Jackie Tite, Andy and Janice Bannerman. They were real troopers and it was not only their legs and feet that were aching at the finish venue but there were many aching and bruised arms.

We collected £773 in the buckets and Ukie TooNes were generous enough to present us with a cheque for £500 from their charity account to add to our fund meaning we added some £1,400 with an online donation we received.

Thank you To Jane fuller and the Team of girls from Ukie TooNes who did the design and build of the float, it looked magnificent girls, thank you so much.

​​Jan 2020

2020 Milton Keynes MS Group cheque handover.

On the evening of Friday 24th January 2020, I had the pleasure of handing over our latest donation to our local MS Group in Milton Keynes. I was extremely proud to be able to hand over a cheque for £7,000 to the Chairman of the Group, Harry Robinson. The MK Group does amazing work for local MS sufferers. They use the money not just to help fund things like water aerobics sessions, but things people never think about, like repairs to a mobility scooter that people may not be able to afford which makes them housebound and to help in the garden. Such simple things, but they all make a difference and help someone with MS. Myself and my team are very proud to help, and the money has been adding up over the last 4 years. £16,000 initially to the Central MS Society to help with research. then over the last 3 years £18,000 to the MK Group and last year with the help of Steve Markham and the Seniors Section of the Rutland County Golf Club we donated just over £6,000 to the Peterborough MS Group.

Motor Sport for MS would like to thank Jos Brownlie and his company apextracks.com for their very generous offer to help us in our continued fundraising efforts.
Apex Traxs produces and sells 3D printed race circuits along with drinks coasters with your favourite race circuits printed upon them.
Occasionally an item comes out of the printer with a very slight issue that prevents it from being sold at full price.
Jos has set up a page on his website for selling these items with the funds going to MS4MS. This is a 'Buy it now offer-at the price you feel fit between £5 and £50', It's up to you how much you pay. This is a really great chance to pick up a piece of Motor Racing Memorabilia at a great price and help out MS4MS and the MS Society.
Don't forget to check out the rest of Jos's great products on his website whilst you are there.
Thanks once again for your generous offer Jos.
MS4MS are pleased to welcome Jos and Apex Traxs as another of our partners, without whom this whole project could never work!

JAN 2019.

On Friday 25th January 2019 we were honoured to be invited to the Milton Keynes MS Group annual dinner.
Whilst we were there we handed over a cheque for £7,000, this being the amount we collected over the 2018 season around the race circuits and via many more fundraising events.

FEB 2020

Another fantastic result for Motor Sport for MS.
Earlier today I received this message from Rick Shortle’s daughter Tina, whose Daughter Bethan is attending Brighton College, Sussex. A while ago Bethan informed us that she was pitching MS4MS to be a chosen charity for one of this year’s charity events.
Well, this is going to happen. Thank you so much, Bethan Sharps. x

Fenwick Fashion Show
Dear Parents,

We are excited to announce that the annual Fenwick Fashion Show will be taking place on Tuesday 3rd March at 7pm. Each year the Fenwick Lower Sixth girls come together to host one of the main House charity events of the academic year.
This year we are supporting two charities chosen by the Fenwick girls. The first is Great Ormond Street Hospital, which does phenomenal work providing specialist care for more than 40,000 children a year. Our second charity is Motor Sport for MS, a charity which raises money towards the Multiple Sclerosis Society, through setting official records at UK motor sports circuits on an 8MPH mobility scooter.
This year we are asking for your help and support in three ways:
1. We would love to see as many of you as possible on the evening, tickets are available at reception at a cost of £8 per person (£5 for pupils). Your daughter can purchase one on your behalf and the cost can be added to the school bill OR you can purchase a ticket on the door.
2. We would welcome donations of prizes for our raffle which will be drawn on the evening. Please send donations via your daughter to the L6th or tutor team.
3. There is also a JustGiving page available for those who are unable to attend the event but wish to make a contribution - https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/fenwick2020
We look forward to seeing you on 3rd March and would really appreciate your support in helping us to raise as much as possible for our chosen charities!
Many thanks,
The L6th Fenwick Girls



July 2022

July the 2nd marks the final event before we pension off the buggy.
Newport Pagnell Carnival sees the 'Live' section of MS4MS draw to a close.
I will be out on the buggy doing some 'two wheeling' around the mini-roundabouts along the route, with something a little bit special added this year.
We also have the Ukie TooNes, Ukele band on the MS4MS float in front of me. My old mate Andy Woolrich has borrowed an artic lorry from ASAP Transport Solutions and we have a whole band performing songs for everyone on what will be a truly amazing float. Following me will be one of our old rally mechanics from the last 40 years, Steve Baldock, who will be driving his Navaro Pickup and towing our box trailer. It will be the last outing for the trailer too, as after this event we will start disposing of the equipment we have been using around the circuits. Tickner trailers, who very kindly gave us the trailer, is going to sell it for us and the money will go into the charity.
The theme for Carnival this year is, 60 years of Memories, as you may be able to guess it is 60 years old this year.
I'm 63 and I was taken to watch the Carnival by my Mum right from the very start, It's great to still be involved.
With the theme being 60 years of memories watch out for that theme on our Ukie TooNes float!